
Judson era artists (1960's):

Anna Halprin -
Trisha Brown -
Simone Forti    
Deborah Hay -
Steve Paxton
Yvonne Rainer

Other Artists:

Gill Clarke -
Rosemary Butcher -
Miranda Tufnell -
Kirstie Simpson
Anna Teresa De Keersmaker -
Meg Stuart -
Benoit Lachambre -


Gaston Bachelard. 'The Poetics of Space'. Beacon press (1964)

Sally Banes. 'Re-inventing Dance in the 1960's'. University of Wisconsin Press (2003)

Miranda Tufnell & Chris Crickmay. 'Body, Space, Image-notes towards improvisation and performance'.  Dance Books Ltd (1990)

Miranda Tufnell & Chris Crickmay. 'A Widening Field-journeys in body and imagination'. Dance Books Ltd (2004)

Miriam Fraser & Monica Greco. 'The Body A reader'. Routledge (2005)

Mabel Elsworth Todd. 'The Thinking Body'. Paul b. Hoeber (1937)


B.J. Nilson - The Invisible City (Album)
Gaby Lecup -